Our beautiful woods, creek, and peaceful settings here in the Santa Cruz Mountains

Our beautiful woods, creek, and peaceful settings here in the Santa Cruz Mountains

What can you tell me about some service events we do?


Looking for more ways to help Operation Smile? We need community volunteers to mobilize their friends and family to sew, collect or prepare specific supplies that we need on our medical missions. You can help by making these items yourself, or leading a collection at your office, school or place of worship. When generous hearts come together, everyone can help heal children’s smiles.

Urgent Need:
If you are able to support Operation Smile through these Service Projects, we currently have an urgent need for the following Items:

  • sample size toothpaste (at least 6 months from expiration date)

  • child size toothbrush

  • thin 8 ½ x 11 coloring book

  • 8 count box of crayons

  • Liquid bubbles

  • Puzzles

  • Pull toys


After receiving life-transforming surgery, each child receives a Smile Bag bursting with goodies - the perfect gift to cheer up a healing child. Smile Bags are filled with small-sized personal care items plus toys, stickers and a mirror to see their new smile. We need community volunteers to collect the personal care items and sew cloth Smile Bags. Please ship empty Smile Bags. Operation Smile has a volunteer staff that fills the Smile Bags which ensures that each child on the same medical mission receives the same items.  


What you’re paying for this Fall:

$40 per year for Dues:

$15 for National (GFWC) 

$4 for California  (CFWC)

$2 for Loma Prieta District (LPD)

$19 for our own club (CWC)



This is what is needed for prospective members.  

1.  Candidate must attend two consecutive meetings as a guest.  She may be installed at the second meeting.  If letter has been read to the Board first.

2.  Before she is installed, she must have two sponsors, one of whom writes a letter of recommendation.  (See guidelines for letter info required)

3.  The letter must be read FIRST at the Board meeting on the first Tuesday of the month.

4.  The letter is read for the second time at the regular club meeting.  The candidate comes up front with her two sponsors while the letter is read.

5.  The new member receives a membership packet (assembled by Robin).  She must pay $45 to the Treasurer.  ($40 for dues and $5 for initiation fees.)

6.  The new member fills out an information card which she gives to Robin to file in the grey box.  Also give this info to our Treasurer.

7.  The two sponsors keep the new member informed of club doings.  We should all encourage her and make her feel welcome.

I.  What Should a member include in an interview and in her letter of sponsorship for a prospective new member?

1.  A brief History.

2.  Educational achievements.

3.  Work experience.

4.  Volunteer Work.

5.  Hobbies or special interests.

II.  Questions to be answered.

A.  Why does she want to join the CWC?

B.  On what committees would she be interested in working?

     1.  Fund Raisers

     2.  Program planning

     3.  Club History

     4.  Membership

     5.  Scholarship

     6.  Club House improvements

     7.  In what Club Section is she interested?

     a.  Book Club b.  Bridge  c.  Arts & Crafts  d.  Garden

III.  Member responsibilities:

     1.  Supports Club projects and events.

     2.  Serves once a term on a Tea Committee.







Up Coming Events

August Bake Sale : August 30th in our driveway